In 2012 I got a couple of Logan's Run DS gun kits from Nicksdad on the RPF (Replica Prop Forum). I also got a working flame gun kit from another RPF member, Rylo.
Here's my build up of these props.
The Nicksdad kit is all aluminium except for the grips, which are resin. It comes with a glow plug, toggle switch and a micro switch for the trigger.
There isn't a lot of assembly to this, it's basically just a paint job.
I glued the muzzle to the main body and the fin to the muzzle with JB Weld epoxy. The grips and frame were glued after painting.
To prepare the aluminium for painting, I sanded it with 400 grit wet and dry, then cleaned it with cellulose thinners. Etching primer was used as a base coat, then Simoniz Tough Black Satin was used as a top coat.
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